Rules and Regulations

2024 Rules and Regulations

Rules & Regulations at Parkshore Marina are not designed to be restrictive or to make experiences difficult.  The Board of Directors (further known as the “Board”) of Parkshore Marina sincerely wish you an enjoyable time at your marina.  In general, these Rules & Regulations are based on common sense expectations of our membership.  Please contact the Board or the Marina Manager for any rule clarification.

marina regulations

Section 1: General Rules

  1. Owners may not paint, modify or decorate their limited common areas without prior written approval from the Board
  2. Nothing shall be constructed in or removed from any common area, except by express written permission of the Board, outlining the particulars involved
  3. No sign shall be displayed to public (association membership) view on or from any slip, locker or limited common area, except as provided for in the Bylaws or upon written authorization from the Board; signs advertising individual vessel sales are allowed
  4. No antennas, satellite dishes or cameras may be installed on Marina Property without written authorization from the Board
  5. Animals
    i. Dogs & cats are allowed to visit the Marina, with their family, if they are involved in cruising (and not left in vehicles)
    ii. No animals, of any kind, will be allowed as live-aboard residents
    a) Grandfather date: Those dogs, currently living aboard, as of May 8, 2017 (and listed on the Marina Manager’s current list) until as such time they no longer live on the vessel with their owner
    b) Animal “deposits” or waste must be immediate cleaned-up and properly disposed
  6. Marina quiet hours are posted from 10:00 PM Local to 07:00 AM Local daily
  7. Non-marina employees, members or renters performing any work for hire on the Marina Property must present a current Washington State or City of Seattle Business License, Bond and Certificate of Insurance of a minimum liability amount of $500,000 or more to the Marina Manager prior to work commencing
  1. Parkshore Marina’s General Use Dock is established at the southeast end of “D” Dock for the general use of the membership and public as leased by the marina and managed by the Marina Manager for a fee directed by the Board.
  2. There will be a sign-in sheet acknowledging the Parkshore Marina’s Rules & Regulations along with proof of Standard Vessel Insurance.
    • The association requires a Vessel Liability Minimum of $500,000 for each vessel on the marina’s premise
    • Each vessel on the General Use Dock will be registered in accordance with these Rules & Regulations
  1. Drives, walks, piers and waterways are for transit and not for placement of any planters, furniture, bikes, dingys, tenders, etc.
  2. Any damage to marina property, vessels moored at the marina or damage to personal property must be reported to the Marina Manager and the owner of the property involved, in no less than twenty-four (24) hours after the occurrence
  3. All thirty (30) and fifty (50) amperage power cords attached to Parkshore Marina power pedestals shall be marine rated and shall be equipped with a marine rated plug at the pedestal end with a locking ring
    • Exceptions to this rule are for fifty (50) amperage plugs not requiring a locking ring
    • Vessels only using a fifteen (15) amperage cords shall be outdoor rated and shall be connected to the pedestal with a Marine Rated Thirty (30) Amperage to Fifteen (15) Amperage adapter with a locking ring
    • Vessels found non-compliant of this rule will have their power disconnected until rectified and fined in-accordance with Section 4(E) of these rules
  1. Vehicle parking stalls are reserved for parking of licensed operational vehicles with a valid parking pass with a slip number assigned or guest pass visible in the window
  2. Vehicles without a guest pass are required to park in posted guest parking stalls
  3. Owners are issued one (1) parking pass and one (1) guest pass
  4. Additional parking passes can be issued to slip owners based on the General Fine and Fee Schedule.  Parking stalls will be designated by the Marina Manager.
  5. Long term parking is available on an “as approved” basis by the Marina Manager
    1. A vehicle key is required to on file with the Marina Manager for long term parking
  6. Heavy Vehicle Maintenance is not authorized on Marina property (e.g., engine & transmission overhauls, body work and painting)
  7. Heavy Vessel Maintenance is not authorized on Marina property (e.g., sanding, scraping, extensive painting, engine overhaul, other heavy maintenance as determined by the Marina Manager)
  8. All vehicles requiring a vehicle license will be properly licensed while on Parkshore Marina property
    1. Both vessels and vessel trailers in dry storage stalls are required to have proper and current registration
  9. Posted Compact, Electric Vehicle (EV), Disabled and Dry-storage parking stalls shall be managed, with Board of Directors delegation, and controlled with enforcement discretion by the Marina Manager.  General Fee and fines in Section 4(E) will apply for enforcement.

Section 2: Slip Operations

  1. Hoses, lines, power cords, etc. may be placed in the walkway, temporarily, while working in the area, but must not be left unattended
  2. Vessels are not to extend into navigation waterways; maximum overhang in each slip will be determined by the Marina Manager prior to occupancy
  3. Children are not allowed to play on docks or finger piers
  4. Swimming is not allowed in the marina property
  5. Active barbeques, grills or smokers are not authorized on docks or finger piers
  6. Tampering or modifying any pedestal electrical systems or auxiliary panels is not authorized
  7. Vessels will be not connected to more than one (1) shore power outlet on a pedestal
  8. Vessels will be adequately secured with lines, snubbers & fenders of sufficient size and quality to assure the safety of your vessel, other vessels, docks and piers
    • A.Lines will be checked regularly by owners and their tenants to prevent finger pier and dock cleat damage
  9. All oil, coolant and other hazardous liquids must be properly disposed of off-site of marina property
  10. Vessels moored, tied up, docked, parked in the dry dock area or in an elevated lift in a slip will be properly registered in the current year
    • A. Fines will be assessed to the slip owner in accordance with the General Fine Schedule in Section 4 of these rules
  11. All moored vessels (non-City of Seattle Placarded Homes) must be able to get underway and out to open water, to avoid fire or other emergencies. Continuous compliance will be confirmed on an annual year basis concurrent with the state’s vessel registration requirement.
    • A. Derelict Vessels in the marina are defined and addressed in the Derelict Vessel Policy (Appendix B). If a vessel is found to be a derelict vessel per the policy, the vessel owner and slip owner (if they are different individuals) will be provided seven (7) calendar days to comply with the policy.
    • B. Failure to comply within the described timeline will result in Rules and Regulations Section 4 (E) Fine and Fee Schedule assessments.
    • C. If, after thirty (30) days from the initial assessment, compliance with this policy or the respective regulations is not achieved, the Marina Manager shall notify the vessel owner, slip owner and the Board of Directors that within seven (7) calendar days of that notice, RCW 79: PUBLIC LANDS will be invoked and the vessel will be subject to the State of Washington Derelict Boat Section RCW79.100.
    • D. Parkshore Marina Board of Directors shall ensure full compliance with RCW 79: PUBLIC LANDS.
  12. All moored vessels must follow all applicable marine vessel laws, including current licenses, navigational and safety equipment, required by all vessels
    • A. The Board requires each owner to complete an “Underway Checkoff Sheet” no later than December 31st of each year to include:
      • i. Slip Owner Signature
      • ii. Vessel Owner Signature (if not the slip owner)
      • iii. Manager/Board Director Signature
  13. Nothing shall be stored upon or attached to the piers without the Board’s approval
  14. Owners, or owner’s tenant if the slip is leased, are responsible to keep finger piers safe from dangerous accumulations of moss or snow
  15. All “live-a-board” vessels over twenty-six (26) feet should be equipped with a holding tank
  16. No marine head or marine holding systems will be discharged into the marina’s waterways
  17. In the event of a sinking or sunk vessel, the owner or slip tenant will:
    • A. Take Emergency Measures
    • B. Notify the appropriate authorities including the Marina Manager
    • C. Notify the vessel owner (where appropriate)
    • D. Notify the slip owner if different from the vessel owner
    • E. Notify the Board of Directors
    • F. The owner of a sunken vessel has the first option to refloat or salvage the vessel
    • G. If action is not agreed to between the vessel owner and the Marina Manager within twenty-four (24) hours of the event, the Marina Manager will contract a professional salvage company to have the vessel raised at the slip owner’s expense
  18. Heavy Vessel Maintenance is not authorized on marina property (e.g., sanding, scraping, extensive painting, engine overhaul, other heavy maintenance as determined by the Marina Manager)
  19. The Board reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to allow commercial, government or other entities to occupy and operate from vessel slips or non-vessel slip marina locations if the Board deems that their presence would be an asset to the marina and to the community.  This includes but is not limited to Police, Fire, Rescue, Marine Aid services and any other marina needs.
  1. Owners are required to have a completed Lease on file in the office for any tenants.  The Lease specifies the vessel that is authorized to be in that slip.  A completed Lease file will include:
    • Copy of completed and signed Lease
    • Copy of proof of Certificate of Insurance on the vessel currently in the slip
      • The Association requires a Vessel Liability Minimum of $500,000 for each vessel on the Marina’s Premise
    • Tenant twenty-four (24) hour contact information
    • Copy of Tenant Government Issued Identification
  1. Owners are ultimately responsible for maintaining and promoting the Parkshore Marina’s Rules and Regulations to their tenants
  2. The Board will oversee, via the Marina Manager, all leasing of slips or Dry Storage, at the marina.
  3. Each owner must provide a completed Lease and Certificate of Insurance on their tenant, with annual currency on file with the Marina Manager.  Owners will provide for the file:
    1. Copy of completed and signed lease
    2. Copy of proof of Certificate of Insurance on the vessel currently in the slip
      1. The Association requires a Vessel Liability Minimum of $500,000 for each vessel on the Marina’s Premise
    3. Tenant twenty-four (24) hour contact information
    4. Copy of Tenant’s Government Issued Identification
  1. Parkshore Marina allows for live-aboard status solely to be reserved to owners as defined in Appendix A.
  2. Live-aboard(s) shall be invoiced, by the month, for the month past, of live-aboard status as determined by Section 4 of the current Rules & Regulations.
  3. Those individuals, partners or corporations found in violation of this policy or the Rules & Regulations are subject to fines and assessments under Article 12 & 18 of the CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION and Section 4 of the current Rules & Regulations.
  4. Singular grandfathered live-aboard status is authorized to the rental/tenant currently occupying apartment (slip) #116.  This grandfathered clause shall expire and cease to exist when this tenant permanently departs the marina premises.  If the current owner sells their ownership in apartment (slip) #116, the grandfathered live-aboard will seek to lease from another owner and maintain that status.  Failure to secure an owner to lease from will void this clause.
parkshore marina rules
seattle marina rules

Section 3: Clubhouse Operations

  1. Owners may not paint, modify or decorate their limited common areas without prior written approval from the Board
  2. Owners or tenants may not store anything in a locker other than the locker you own
  3. Flammable liquids, explosives, etc., may not be stored on marina property
  4. Periodic safety compliance inspections are held at the Marina Manager’s discretion

Section 4: General Fine and Fee Schedule

  1. $14/overall foot length per month based on a 30-day calendar month General Use Dock Fee
  2. $10.00/day fine for any vehicle or vessels that are not properly registered
  3. $10.00/day starting with July 1 of each year for non-completion of Vessel Underway Check
  4. $10.00/day for no Certificate of Insurance on-file
  5. $10.00/day fine for other miscellaneous Rules & Regulations infractions
  6. $100.00/month for no tenant Lease on file
  7. $100.00 fine plus removal fee to dispose of unsafe materials found on marina property
  8. $120.00 fine for tampering with electrical pedestal or breakers
  9. $50/month for additional vehicle parking passes
  10. Heavy Vehicle Maintenance Observed
    1. $50 – 1st Offense
    2. $100 – 2nd Offense
    3. $500 – 3rd Offense
  11. Miscellaneous Owner Fine (as determined by the Board)
    1. $50 – 1st Offense
    2. $100 – 2nd Offense
    3. $500 – 3rd Offense
  12. $1,000 (plus any cost to remove or repair) for unauthorized modifications to marina property
  13. $185/month Dry Storage stall fee (effective January 1, 2025)
  14. $230/month Dry Storage double stall fee (effective January 1, 2025)
  15. $150 Re-Sale Document Service Fee
parkshore marina seattle rules
parkshore marina vessel


Live-aboard Policy (as of November 15, 2023)

The following is the Parkshore Marina Live-aboard Policy.  This policy has been written in accordance with the guidelines of the Washington State Condominium Act (Chapter 64.34 RCW), the DECLARATION as amended, the Bylaws of Parkshore Marina and the current Rules & Regulations.  This policy will be enforced to ensure the financial security of the association, while simultaneously ensuring the value, desirability and integrity of each owner’s assets.



  • Owner: Those individuals, partnerships or corporations listed on the Deed, Bill of Sale and/or as registered with the King County Registrar as it pertains to the actual apartment (slip) ownership and CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION
  • Renter/Tenant: Those individuals, partnerships or corporations leasing an apartment (slip) under a Board of Directors authorized Lease Agreement from an Owner
  • Live- aboard: An authorized Owner in the association remaining onboard or utilizing a vessel in an overnight capacity for more than ninety-six (96) consecutive hours or an accumulation of twelve (12) or more calendar days in any one (1) calendar month
  • Grandfathered Live-aboard: Those Rental/Tenants occupying Apartment (Slip) #116 on the “D” Dock of Parkshore Marina.  Upon the departure from the marina premises under a permanent termination of an authorized Lease Agreement, the definition of Grandfathered Live-aboard will cease.


Parkshore Marina allows for live-aboard status solely to be reserved to owners as defined above.

Live-aboard(s) shall be invoiced, by the month, for the month past, of live-aboard status as determined by Section 4 of the current Rules & Regulations.

Those individuals, partners or corporations found in violation of this policy or the Rules & Regulations are subject to fines and assessments under Article 12 & 18 of the CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION and Section 4 of the current Rules & Regulations.

Singular grandfathered live-aboard status is authorized to the rental/tenant currently occupying apartment (slip) #116.  This grandfathered clause shall expire and cease to exist when this tenant permanently departs the marina premises.  If the current owner sells their ownership in apartment (slip) #116, the grandfathered live-aboard will seek to lease from another owner and maintain that status.  Failure to secure an owner to lease from will void this clause.

Derelict Vessel Policy (as of August 21, 2024)

Derelict and abandoned vessels are a widespread problem throughout the State of Washington.  They detract from the natural beauty of our Pacific Northwest Waterways and Parkshore Marina.  They are a significant source of pollutants and marine debris while driving up insurance risk and premiums for the association.  Parkshore Marina seeks to reduce liability risk and danger to owner’s property and their vessels and ultimately the Marina infrastructure.

A vessel, identified as meeting the definition of a derelict boat, shall have immediate notification to the vessel’s registered owner and the slip owner of the violation.

  • The vessel owner and slip owner (if they are different individuals) will be provided seven (7) calendar days to comply with the policy.
    • Failure to comply within the described timeline will result in Rules and Regulations Section 4(E): General Fine and Fee Schedule
  • If, after thirty (30) days from the initial assessment, compliance with this policy or the respective regulations is not achieved, the Marina Manager shall notify the vessel owner, slip owner and the Board of Directors that within seven (7) calendar days of that notice, RCW 79: PUBLIC LANDS will be invoked and the vessel will be subject to the State of Washington Derelict Boat Section RCW 79.100.
  • Parkshore Marina Board of Directors shall ensure full compliance with RCW 79: PUBLIC LANDS.

Derelict Boat: Shall be classified if any of the following that is documented and/or is occurring

  • A. Failure to properly register the vessel as required by Washington State RCW Chapter 88.02 RCW: VESSEL REGISTRATION, within 60 days of July 1 each year
  • B. Failure to maintain or provide current insurance as required by the Parkshore Marina Rules and Regulations
  • C. Failure to demonstrate the vessel is operational as required by the Parkshore Marina Rules and Regulations Vessel Compliance Assessment within 60 days of the annual July 1 requirement.
  • D. Vessel is in severe disrepair
  • E. Vessel is moored illegally
  • F. Vessel has leaking engine or waste fluids
  • G. Vessel has significant algae/plant growth
  • H. Vessel is currently or at risk of being submerged or sinking
  • I. Is present without a lease agreement with the slip owner
  • J. Vessel is abandoned as defined by RCW 79.100.010
  • K. Vessel has been left at Parkshore Marina without specific authorization of the slip owner or Parkshore Marina.
  • L. Is obstructing the navigable waterway of Parkshore Marina

VESSEL: Every species of watercraft or other mobile artificial contrivance, powered or unpowered, intended to be used for transporting of people or goods on water or for floating marine construction or repair and which does not exceed two hundred feet in length.  It includes any trailer used for the transportation of watercraft or any attached floats or debris.

RCW 35A.12.140 (Adoption of codes by reference): Revised Code of Washington as it pertains to this issue

RCW 79 Title 79 PUBLIC LANDS: Revised Code of Washington Title 79 as it pertains to this issue

RCW 88 NAVIGATION AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENTS: Revised Code of Washington Title 88 as it pertains to this issue

WAC 308 LICENSING, DEPARTMENT OF: Washington State Administrative Code pertaining to this issue

Washington State Department of Natural Resources Derelict Vessel Removal Program: DNR’s Derelict Vessel Removal Program is the state’s key mechanism for addressing the problem of derelict or abandoned vessels in Washington’s waters.

NOAA Marine Debris Program/Office of Response and Restoration: The mission of the NOAA Marine Debris Program is to investigate and prevent the adverse impacts of marine debris.

King County Sheriff Department: The law enforcement agency for King County that Parkshore Marina resides in and is responsible by state designation for the enforcement actions of derelict boats within the waters of King County.